Financial support from the EU for trademark registrations and searches

The European Commission has released 20 million euros to finance small and medium-sized companies based in the EU towards the costs of trademark searches and registrations in the EU or in one of the EU Member States.

A financial compensation can be requested for the official fees charged by the European trademark office (EUIPO) or the national trademark offices for:

  • Preliminary trademark searches: reimbursement of 75% of the fees
  • Trademark and design registrations: reimbursement of 50% of the fees

For example, the official fees for an EU trademark application are € 850 for 1 class. € 425 of this can be reimbursed, which results in a significant saving.

How does it work:

  1. Submit an application for reimbursement. When allocated a decision will be granted
  2. File a trademark or design application and pay in full
  3. A request for reimbursement can be submitted via a link in the notification of the decision within 30 days

There are 5 timeframes in which the application can be submitted in 2021, namely:

11 to 31 January
1 to 31 March
1 to 31 May
1 to 31 July
1 to 30 September


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