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International trademark registration in the Middle East: Qatar joins.

Trademark registration in the Middle East has always been unaffordable and inconvenient. Costly and legalized documents, as well as the high official fees made registration unattainable for many Dutch companies.

But with the accession of new countries, such as Qatar this month, trademark registrations in the Middle East have become more within reach.

Middle Eastern countries that are currently part of the international registration system:

  • Qatar
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Bahrain
  • Israel
  • Oman
  • Egypt
  • Turkey
  • Iran

The cost for Qatar is still quite high: €1,590 per class, but considerably lower than in the case of a national trademark application (around €3,000 per class). The fees for legalization, publication and registration can be saved, with an international trademark registration, which provides exactly the same protection as a national trademark registration.

Another advantage is that an international trademark is easier to “maintain” than separate national trademarks: one registration number, one renewal date.

However, when expanding an international trademark to, for example, Qatar, it is advisable to consider the expiration date of the international trademark.

Because all countries must be renewed in the same bulk, you may have to incur the cost of renewing a new country within just a few years. In that case, it may be smarter to file a national trademark anyway.

Rise will, of course, help you make a strategic choice.

For more information, call or email us!


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